How to get the BEST Senior Pictures with a Bassoon (or anything else!)
"My hobbies aren’t cool enough to use for my senior pics!"
I hear this all the time and I’m here to tell you..YES THEY ARE! Your hobbies help define you and that should be reflected in your senior pictures. If you aren't sure whether to bring your hobby props, bright them anyway!
Now What?
Talk to your senior photographer - tell them your ideas and hopefully, they will be able to come up with a plan! Locations can really make hobby pictures come to life. Sports photo composites/wall art are generally done in your photographer’s studio but here are some other ideas:
Place of employment
Sports Complex
City Scape
Natural Field
Bowling Alley
Favorite Place to Shop
Hopefully this guide has been helpful when your looking for senior photographer's near you. Watch your email for more future tips from colors, jewelry, make-up and sales & ordering tips to get the most out of your senior photo session experience.